Thursday, June 9, 2011

working on projects

I've been working on several projects lately.
Trying to make some nice knitted and crochet goodies
and accessories without patterns.
Designing is a big word, but I want to make it from me.
I made some sketches of cuffs and bracelets
that popped in my head.

After I took a better look on Etsy to see
what was on, it was very difficult to be original.
And I wanted something made by me,
but with a craft like knitting and crochet it´s
almost impossible to be one of a kind ;)

I don´t want to copy anyone,
but if I take a look at my sketches,
there somewhat the same as already 
made by different persons.

A bit of a dilemma for me, what to do?
As my dad would say,
there is noting new under the sun.
Maybe I should stick with that and go
with what my I thought was nice to see and do.
I suppose there is a little line between unique,
original and copying something that almost looks alike.

Well anyway here are some pictures.

This is a modified pattern, made it for myself. 
I found the pattern on

This is a bracelet I thought looked nice with the necklace,
I just made it without a pattern.

This is a cuff in progress.

Finished lacy, ruffled cuff, designed by me, for sale :))

Here is the thing.
The purple bracelets looks a bit like the bracelet
a blogfriend (ROEST) made and sells.
I saw that after I made it, and post a picture from it. (oops) 
I send here a email about it,
and it turned out she uses other stitches and materials.
She has no problem with it if I would sell it,
if I just don't use the same as she does.
Now comes my conscience, should I do it or not,
probably I'm gonna modify it,
to make my conscience silence.
Major dilemma's...
But I'm really happy with my sketches,
and I'm gonna post pictures after I finished somewhat of them :)

Have a lovely day!



  1. Ik snap je twijfels, het is tegenwoordig ook erg moeilijk om nog orgineel te zijn. We hoppen van de ene site naar de andere blog en overal blijven( onbewust) ideetjes hangen. Ik heb ook regelmatig dat ik met iets bezig ben waarvan ik denk dat ik orgineel ben, zie ik vervolgens op verschillende blogs ongeveer hetzelfde...blijkt het weer overgewaaid uit Amerika... Ik denk maar zo, zoveel mensen,zoveel ideeën en zoveel uitwerkingen...zolang we maar niet bewust na-apen!

    En je mutsjes zijn zo schattig:)

  2. Met de huidige middelen mbt communicatie zullen er altijd anderen met dezelfde ideeen zijn, wellicht iets anders uitgewerkt of met andere materialen. Zolang jij bij jezelf blijft is er niets aan de hand. Zie de anderen als een inspiratiebron. De grote schilders van vroeger werden geinspireerd door de natuur. Daarvan zei niemand dat zij copycats waren!

  3. Dank jullie wel voor het lieve, verhelderende commentaar.


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