Thanks for dropping by, have a nice time reading this post
After 2 cups of coffee, some bread and yogurt for the children, my day starts of with my Monday mannequin. I ordered a lovely female torso mannequin to restyle and show my new knitting projects on. I can put “her” in the living-room or anywhere I want, because she is so small but she elegant as well I want to give her a nice appearance, any idea’s are welcome. Should I knit a nice top for her or just cover with my yarn wrappers, like an example in this book. (see picture below)
Monday morning is not a good time for me to be creative, my kids misses there father and I need loads of coffee to get my brain started. After my kids play like little “angels” in the living-room I can get my mind set to the things I want, 2 min later; mommy! Lucas is stealing my car, and I say, kids there 2 cars get one each. This is a little example for the rest of the morning… and Mommy’s creative thinking time has to be forced in the 2 whole minuets I don’t have to play referee… Well it’s not that bad ofcourse I like to exaggerate a bit. It is nice to have 2 sons, and they play very nice already with each other, Daniël is becomes in May 3 years and Lucas is 10 months, so I can’t expect from them to play alone and leave this Mommy alone with her thoughts, to do some creative madness. I’m just so blessed with 2 lovely boy’s that it is a little effort to get my creativity on hold to the evening
But that does not mean I can’t think what to do with my torso project… and all the yarn I have stuffed in my knitting crate. Witch now I think about it, I need to do something with that crate as well. Really any thoughts and inspiration are welcome about getting to color it up a bit with yarn or paint… Here is my still “naked” mannequin torso.
Anyways to get back to the torso and the crate this is an idea I got from the web, it looks very colorful but there is not a pattern with it. Maybe I should just measure the crate and start knitting for it… For the torso it’s not that difficult, “she” had a European size 36-38 I should be able to find a nice pattern on the web for it. Here is a picture for some inspiration for the crate…
Now I really have to get my needles and get started…
Have a nice day!
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